Dear readers, I just wanted to update you on the latest addition to my blog. I have added an events page in order to keep local readers informed of events I am organizing. The latest event is a neighborhood clean up project. Read the events page for more information:
I just moved back into my old neighborhood and while talking to my great neighbors, we created some positive ideas. We decided it would be great to start doing regular clean ups around the area. This particular lot we are starting with was worked on in the past but has once again been neglected. It’s so hard to keep up the momentum to maintain a space. Health problems, work, time, living all become obstacles to our involvement with that outside ourselves. But when we love the spaces around us, nurture them, and protect them, we learn to do the same for ourselves. If you don’t live in the area, why not start your own clean up? Just make a poster (draw one or create one on the computer), make copies, and post them around your block. Pick a date and time that works for your schedule as well as others, talk to those you live near, and spread the word. Then grab your tools and get out there! It’s amazing what a handful of people can do with a few hours. Here are some pictures of the first clean up we did for this space:
