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"The movement for aesthetic fulfillment."
Preeti's Purpose Logo
March to End Rape Culture speaking engagement, Artist Preeti Pathak, Preeti's Purpose, @preetispurpose
Shade: A Panel Discussion on Race & Feminism, Artist Preeti Pathak, Preeti's Purpose, @preetispurpose
Feminist panel discussion, Artist Preeti Pathak, Preeti's Purpose, @preetispurpose
Take Back the Night Philly, community organizers, Artist Preeti Pathak, Preeti's Purpose, @preetispurpose
South Philly Review article, feminism in Philly, Artist Preeti Pathak, Preeti's Purpose, @preetispurpose
Coaltion for Restaurant Safety & Health Logo (CRSH), Artist Preeti Pathak, Preeti's Purpose, @preetispurpose
Educators for Consent Culture Logo (ECC), Artist Preeti Pathak, Preeti's Purpose, @preetispurpose
Promoting Awareness Victim Empowerment Logo, PAVE
Bird and nature artwork, graphic design, event advertising, boundaries 4 empowerment, CRSH,Artist Preeti Pathak, Preeti's Purpose, @preetispurpose
Mask wearing campaign, Artist Preeti Pathak, Preeti's Purpose, @preetispurpose
Feminist artwork, digital drawing, workers rights, food service & hospitality, meaningful choice, Artist Preeti Pathak, Preeti's Purpose, @preetispurpose
Consent & Desire & Boundaries, Artist Preeti Pathak, Preeti's Purpose, @preetispurpose
Active Bystander artwork and poem, Artist Preeti Pathak, Preeti's Purpose, @preetispurpose
Labor Day protests, COVID-19 awareness campaign, Artist Preeti Pathak, Preeti's Purpose, @preetispurpose

Learning - knowledge-seeking - is a lifelong practice. Even the person who thinks they know it all, knows this. The most dangerous forces against education is arrogance, decontextualization, and cognitive dissonance.


I Am worksheet, self-care, self-love, Artist Preeti Pathak, Preeti's Purpose, @preetispurpose
Virtual Healing Space

Virtual Healing Space

Our Senses handout, grounding exercise and worksheet, calming, Artist Preeti Pathak, Preeti's Purpose, @preetispurpose
Portals Worksheet, imagination, calming, Artist Preeti Pathak, Preeti's Purpose, @preetispurpose
The masks we wear handout, Artist Preeti Pathak, Preeti's Purpose, @preetispurpose


My educational work centers on root-cause analysis of male supremacy, rape culture, and other intersectional oppressions. I have 15+ years of experience learning about sociology, psychology, organizing, and visual art through a radical feminist lens.

Available for: education consultation (brainstorming, research reports, curriculums, templates, handouts, presentation design, and more!)

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